I have been teaching for over 25 years!
My tertiary training included:
- Visual Art Degree awarded 1982 at Sydney College of the Arts
- Graduate Diploma in Education awarded 1983 Canberra College of Advanced Education
My teaching experience has included:
- Primary Visual Arts Teacher,
- High School Visual Arts Teacher & all Key Learning Areas
- Curriculum writing for Visual Atrs (ACT Dept. of Education)
- University Lecturer Visual Arts Curriculum & Teaching (Aust. Catholic Uni)
- University Practicum Supervisor (Aust. Catholic Uni)
- Art Tutor Adult Education (Sydney Community College)
- Art Tutor Art Est, Leichhardt
- Art Tutor Northbridge School of Visual Arts
- Art Tutor Centrehouse, Lane Cove
- Art Tutor St George Arts & Craft Centre
- HSC Visual Art Tutor
My Approval Number for Working with Children is APP0357719
My areas of expertise include:
- drawing
- painting
- ceramics
- sculpture
- printmaking
- photography
- design
- mixed media
- fibre arts
- jewellery
- enamelling
My philosophy:
I know Visual Arts education needs to be part of a balanced education. Sadly, many primary schools do not provde it, or offer a token activity, as part of their program due to constraints of time & pressures of other curriculum areas. Teacher expertise & confidence can also play a role in this complex dilemma.
I believe every child should have the opportunity to learn about the visual arts, to experience the joy of designing & making something that expresses their ideas & to learn skills they can refine as they develop & grow.
My approach to teaching is skills based. All art areas have skills & techniques. For example mixing colours is a skill, once you know how you will be able to make the colour you want & then use it to create a painting. I teach students skills by showing them "kid friendly" step by step methods, then they will have an opportunity to practise these skills by employing them in an activity designed by me, that is age appropriate & themed to initiate their interest, & motivate their creativity.
I love engaging in the process of teaching & learning & the natural curiosity that kids possess. It's infectious & creates a domino effect of interest in a group.
The benefits of the Visual Arts are enormous & I have seen the results over & over in my career as a teacher. The excitement of creating artwork, the confidence that it produces, the feelings of success & the positive experiences this brings to a growing & developing mind.
You can see a large selection of my students work by clicking on this link
There are also a selection of my artworks on the board labelled "Artworks by Jane King"
As well as all that, I have participated in the following exhibitions with a range of textile & hand fabricated jewellery pieces
- Attire, Tighes Hill Gallery 2006
- Group Show, Exhibition Life Gallery 2006
- Group Show Cloisonne Enamelling, University of Southern Queensland, 2007
- Tutor Show Art Est & Northbridge School of Visual Arts 2011
- Tutor Show Northbridge School of Visual Arts 2013