About Kidz Artworx

Kidz Artworx is a vibrant new art school in the BURWOOD, (Sydney, NSW) that caters especially for kids of all ages. It is a great opportunity for your kids to develop & nurture their interest in Visual Arts. We will also have classes for grown up kids too.

happy kids at Kidz Artworx

“The works look absolutely brilliant.  Thanks so much for sending them through!!!! Anthony is loving the classes and doesn’t stop drawing all week when he is at home – you are awesome!”

Great things to know about Kidz Artworx

  • Classes are limited to 10 kids, great for social interaction with plenty of time for everyone to get lots of attention
  • Workshops are designed by a highly qualified Visual Arts Teacher (Bach of Visual Arts, Diploma of Education) with over 25 years classroom experience
  • Activities are selected according to the developmental ages & stages of the kids in the class
  • Students will experience a wide range of materials for making art, be taught various techniques for these materials & explore a variety of themes in the art activities provided
  • The media areas taught will include a selection of activities such as ceramics (clay work), printing, drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, design, & installations
  • Examples of artist’s work will be used to help expand your kids general knowledge about artworks & the artmaking process. They can be a great motivator to an art activity
  • Aspects of Art Theory will be integrated into the activities including the basic language of art & art principles
  • Kids will improve their perception by completing specially designed short activities called perceptual training exercises at the beginning of the lesson
  • After school classes will run for  8×1.5 hours & start at 4pm, plenty of time to get here
  • Holiday Classes will run for 3 hours with a morning & afternoon session

“Thank you so much for sharing with us the students work. Oscar is delighted to be working with you, and considering his Autism I am doubly amazed at the concentrated work you have engendered from him. Very very happy. We are going to frame the beautiful eye art he did on Monday. Thank you for your missive. Loads of thanks.”

How is art beneficial to my child’s development?

Visual Art is an essential element of a complete & balanced education …. and it’s a whole lot of fun!

The Arts prepare kids for school, work & life. Visual Arts helps foster creativity, innovation & determination. It also plays a unique role in boosting learning & achievement.

When the quality of Art Education is high the following skills are enhanced:

  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Creative Thinking
  • Increased Self Esteem
  • Increased Self Discipline
  • Articulating Ideas
  • Imagining
  • Accepting Responsibility
  • Language, Literacy & Cognitive Skills

” The arts teach children that problems can have more than one solution & that questions have more than one answer”  Elliot W. Eisner

10 Lessons the Arts Teach, E. W. Eisner

painting portraits
painting portraits
“Jazz is producing some lovely works and  having a lovely time. Thank you for inspiring her!”.

Events & Workshops

School Holiday Workshops
Always run to coincide with the Public School System

  • Classes will run Monday – Friday for 3 hours , with 2 classes per day starting at 9.30am -12.30 pm. After lunch classes will run 1.30pm – 4.30pm
  • Fees for School Holiday Classes $65 per 3 hour session (Oct 2024)
  • Love a bargain? Check out these great savings:


2 workshops use the code ARTCHALLENGE & receive 10% off,

3 workshops use the code BACK2THESTUDIO & receive 12% off,

4 workshops or more use the code HEART2ART & receive 15% off

  • Sibling discount always available for term classes

See our Classes page for course descriptions for specific classes

October  School Holiday Workshops