Covid-19 Procedures, keeping it safe, & keeping everyone as well as we can!
We ask that if you are not 100% well that you wear a mask & if you are not well, to please return to class when you have recovered.
We will continue to keep everyone as safe as we can, with hand sanitizing on the way in & on the way out.
Disinfecting tables & chairs between afterschool art classes & other frequently touched surfaces like taps.
We have switched over to paper towel for hand drying & will maintain social distancing & good health hygiene practises as the winter season progresses.
Weather permitting we will open the doors to allow air circulation. If it’s really cold we will do it intermittently.
We are happy for parents to come in, to look at kids work at etc, just not everyone at once.
Parents will be asked to wait outside at drop off & pick up. Our online booking system means payment is cashless too.